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Winkle Island Sculpture

The Winkle Club is a charitable organisation set up in 1900 by Hastings fishermen to help under privileged families. In April 2012 the new statue, designed by local artist Leigh Dyer, was unveiled. The statue replaces the old one that had suffered vandalism and is a strikingly detailed piece of work. Pictures of it in full can be seen here and here.

Whilst on the Winkle Club website I came across the chorus of the club’s adopted song, which I liked so here it is:


‘If you should see a vessel in distress

Stand by … stand by

Render all the aid you can,

Be he man-o’-war or merchantman

Stand by him …

Throw him out a line,

Take him  in tow

For you might want somebody

To stand by you some day,

You’ll never know…’ 

One response to “Winkle Island Sculpture”

  1. Ro avatar

    love the reflections in the top one –

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