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January Storm, Hastings 2014

January Storm, Hastings 2014The bad weather that started before Christmas has continued into the new year. In Hastings there were warnings that the strong winds and a super high tide would threaten to push the sea over the flood defences. That didn’t happen during the short time I was there. It certainly was rough, although it’s been worse.

January Storm, Hastings 2014

There were plenty of people there enjoying the show. I made sure I stayed where it was dry. Not only did I not want to get soaked, the waves throw up fair size pebbles when they hit the wall.

January Storm, Hastings 2014

I felt obliged to take a photo of the Pier. The rain cloud above it was fast closing in. This January storm has brought with it some extremely heavy showers. I didn’t stay much longer after I saw that approaching.

January Storms, Hastings 2014

These photographs can be viewed on my Flickr page by clicking on them.

One response to “January Storm, Hastings 2014”

  1. purpleyaks avatar

    I’m so glad you put a link to that old photo – it shows what a great work Sydney Little did in carrying out his plans for the new promenade and Bottle Alley – which put the sea much further away from the road and seafront buildings. I was on the promenade in the same place as yourself at 1.40 today and found myself a bit disappointed that the storm surge wasn’t as spectactular as forecast. Then I realised I was just sensation seeking and that it was a blessing for many people that there was not as much flooding as was forecast

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