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Duchie’s Grave

In the woods near to where I live I came across this grave marker. It stands by itself and no other grave stones, human or pet, are nearby.

I think the woods once belonged to the High Beech Manor, which is now the High Beech Hotel. Its land has long since been sold onto housing developers. Grave Stones aren’t cheap so I think its likely that someone from the manor house is responsible for it.

What’s clear is that the owner of Archie considered this part of the wood to be a special place. Perhaps whoever it was came here to sit and watch their dog (I’m assuming this is a memorial for a dog, although it’s not for certain as the stone is chipped) fetch sticks and play in the stream that the site overlooks. A short time spent away from the pressures of their daily life.

It’s nice that the owners feelings for Archie are still evident 129 years after his death.

2 responses to “Duchie’s Grave”

  1. KatiesCameraBlog avatar

    What an extraordinary photo and the tales it tells. Wonderful. Sounds like Duchie was well loved. Thanks so much for sharing.

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