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The Versatile Blogger Award

Much to my surprise and appreciation I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, by Dounia, at The Next Stop. Thank you very much!

As much I enjoy posting my own work for people to look at, it is equally enjoyable and inspiring to view other people’s blogs. There are lots of talented people out there.

Each award comes with a set of rules, so here they are for the Versatile Blogger Award:


1. Add the Versatile Award photo on a blog post

2. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.

3. Share 7 things about myself.

4. Pass the award along to 15 favorite bloggers.

5. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Seven things about myself:

1. I only used to take photos of landscapes so I could turn them into pastel drawings and paintings. I found I enjoyed the photography more.

2. I’ve visited lots of great places including Rome, Paris, New York  and Bruges.

3. I’m married and we have a 3.5 year old daughter.

4. I have a degree in Exercise Science.

5. I love to read, but struggle to write. It takes me ages to think of the words for my posts.

6. My favourite food is pasta.

7. I get camera envy, especially when I see top line cameras being used like disposable ones.

15 Fantastic Bloggers who inspire me (in no particular order!):

Mostly Monochrome: 35mm film and second hand cameras


Right in front of me: Daily Photoblog

MAENAMOR: Not another gloomy Sunday

Wild Hastings: About the nature found in and around Hastings

Adventures in Melancholia: Kait’s Poetry

See what I see: Nikki’s Blog

Marginal Perspective: Photography through the eyes of marginality

Pat Sheridan Photography: Wexford based photographer

My name is Myk: a memoir of my journey, works and experiences here in this world

Everyday Paranoid Visions: Greenman Photography

pamphotography: Basic and creative photography techniques

Enmanscamera’s Blog – Kamloops: My impressions, feelings, experience and knowledge about photography.

greysqrl: Nigel Cardozo’s blog

Annika Ruohonen Photography: Lovely nature photography

6 responses to “The Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. Dounia avatar

    Wonderful! I loved reading a bit about you and will definitely make sure to check out those blogs! 🙂 And I definitely know what you mean about camera envy…. 🙂

  2. Max Reynolds avatar

    Congratulations and it’s well deserved.

  3. enman avatar

    Congrats on this award Kieron. It is well deserved. And I am flattered you included me with those bloggers you like.

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