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Brighton Marina

Brighton MarinaBrighton Marina was built during the 1970’s and has berths for up 1,600 boats. Much like Sovereign Harbour in Eastbourne it has a mix of boat facilities, housing, shopping and restaurants. It’s quite pleasant to stroll around, looking at how expensive the yachts are and wondering how people can afford them. But quite pleasant is a far as it gets for me. Both Brighton Marina and Sovereign Harbour are entirely man made. There is something too designed about them, making them feel a bit artificial and clean. It has almost a feel of a theme park. You visit, you see the attractions but ultimately it’s all just fantasy. Perhaps I’d feel different if I could afford one of those big yachts.

Brighton Marina

This visit was the first time I’d walked the harbour wall. The evening was pleasant, with the setting sun casting a golden glow across Brighton Marina. On the seaward side, along almost the entirety of the wall were people fishing. I reckon there were over 50 people, fishing either singly, in pairs or in families. On that day the fishing was good judging by the number of fish laid out by each person fishing there.

Brighton Marina

Each of these images can be viewed full size on my Flickr page by clicking on them.

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