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11th Welch Regiment at Winchelsea Church

Winchelsea Church

Over 200 of B Company of the 11th Welch Regiment attended Divine Service at Winchelsea Church on Sunday 7th March 1915. The 11th Regiment moved to Seaford then Aldershot within two months of the image being taken. Their training continued until September 1915, before they were shipped to France. Like many other of the Welch Regiments, they served mainly in Selonika and saw action in the Battle of Horseshoe Hill and Battle of Machukovo in 1916.

The two photographs used to create the image are below. You can view the top image full size on my Flickr page by clicking on it.

This image is part of a continuing series of Then and Now images I’ve created for East Sussex Council’s World War 1 commemoration website. The website is focussed on the contribution that the men and women of East Sussex made towards the war effort.

Winchelsea Church

Winchelsea Church

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