West Marina Gardens was a place where soldiers billeted in the town came to do their exercises. Today the area is still used for the same purpose, although the participants are not training for war. In this now and then image a group of soldiers are pictured doing just that.
The caption accompanying the photograph in the newspaper said ‘By the various exercises included in the physical drill course adopted in the service every muscle of the body is trained and strengthened. Each movement has its particular value, and when the course is completed every member of the squad is absolutely fit.’
The photo is taken at West Marina Gardens, St Leonards-on-Sea and the original image came from the Hastings & St Leonards Pictorial Advertiser dated 11th October 1917.
The two photographs used to create the image, and the final combined image are below. You can view the top image full size on my Flickr page by clicking on it.
This image is part of a continuing series of Then and Now images I’ve created for East Sussex Council’s World War 1 commemoration website. The website is focused on the contribution that the men and women of East Sussex made towards the war effort.
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