Hastings Harbour Arm

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  • A View of Rye

    This view of Rye was taken whilst walking up from Camber Sands. At ground level there wasn’t a breath of wind and the great clouds were slowly moving across the sky…

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  • Brightling Needle

    The Brightling Needle stands at the 2nd highest point in Sussex, a couple of miles from the village of Brightling. It was built in around 1810 by John Fuller…

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  • Winkle Island

    The image above shows a merge of two photographs past and present in the area near Winkle Island in Hastings. The original photograph was taken in around 1900. Winkle Island is…

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  • Power

    The pylons crossing Romney Marsh in a straight line across seven miles always draw my attention when I go past them. Now accompanied by the wind turbines they are one of the key features of Romney Marsh…

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  • Fairfield Church, Romney Marsh

    Fairfield Church sits in the middle of a field, in the middle of Romney Marsh. In 1595 there used to be a village here named Fayrefelde but it has long gone. It’s rumored that the church…

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  • Seagulls

    Most people living by the coast have a love/hate relationship with seagulls or at least that how it is for me. There are loads of them, they crap over everything, tear open bin bags, spread litter

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